Group Coaching - A systemic approach to mental health and well-being which offers a foundation of integrated support in your school or workplace

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As the government announces that schools and workplaces are to re-open we are all faced with the prospect of how to get back to the new normal. What impact Covid 19 has had on each of us and how best to move forward from life as we knew it. The question is ‘how’?  How can each of us navigate this unprecedented situation in a supported, healthy and positive way?

As we start to edge our way forwards - be it in an educational capacity, professionally or socially - it is going to be more important than ever to consider mental health and well-being. The way that recent circumstances have impacted us all will be different and unique to our own point of reference. We will all be affected by Coronavirus despite our experience of it  -  purely because of our experience of it! And because we will have all experienced it differently, we will have all coped differently….

Not feeling bold enough, strong enough, able enough, confident enough on your own – come together. The collective makes it ok. Together the journey is more manageable.

Pooling experience and resource

The different ways we have each coped high-lights one of the fundamental benefits of group coaching - how a committed group of individuals can collectively combine knowledge and collaborative intelligence to help one another.  No matter if it is a group of students, professionals, employees or staff. Each group offers a collective consciousness that is developed and will support the group - literally pooling knowledge to help raise spirits. 

Prevention is better than cure

We have all had different lockdown experiences so our journey back to normal will be different too. As we reset, a shared understanding of the Covid 19 experience, will allow for individuals to feel less alone - and to air worries, anxieties, concerns or even aspirations. As we all adjust and plan how to handle it, Group or Team sessions (offered to students, colleagues, peers, families, employees and parents) are one valuable avenue of processing and recalibrating. 

Coaching offers observations and reflections, ensuring any patterns are noticed and learnings are taking place. A powerful group - where everyone plays a part and finds their voice - can transform wellbeing and mental health. A truly simple, yet effective platform.  

Optimal results for kids

Many parents have seen a deterioration in their children’s mental health since lockdown. Kids and young adults have a basic need for contact and human interaction. Unfortunately those that were prone to issues mood swings and fragile emotions - will have been impacted more. 

Low self-esteem, social difficulties and worries to do with missing school (or the unpredictability of the circumstances) are just a few of the issues that may impact education. Addressing these issues - will provide a powerful intervention to support the return to well-being and mental health. In addition, peer support is inherent and actively encouraged to create a culture throughout the school which offers fully integrated help and benefits. 

How does it work?

Each session is facilitated by a coach as well as supported by a tandem coach. There are 8 group members in total so a minimum of 4 additional sessions are suggested with each session taking place at fortnightly intervals. If it is identified that an individual is struggling then one-to-one coaching sessions are offered as well as well as the possibility of referral to positive psychology practise or referrals to other professionals as required. 

 As a whole, the group becomes resourceful and creative and collaborative!

Coaching programmes & individual packages

Through Group Coaching ‘collective’ or ‘collaborative’ intelligence is enabled which means as a whole the group becomes resourceful, creative and collaborative. In schools this means that emotional literacy is accelerated. 

Depending on requirements the programme can be customised to work on common themes beyond Covid 19. Some themes and goals for coaching are below. Each goal or theme can be integrated accordingly.  With Group Coaching being structured and customised according to your needs as an organisation. Outcomes can be identified in discussion as a group.


Common themes & goals

  • Confidence and self-esteem 

  • Career passion and direction 

  • Resilience and reflection 

  • Building personal power 

  • Individual and collective awareness

  • Engagement in group purpose

  • Personal responsibility/accountability

  • Clarity and choice in way the group functions

  • Emotional awareness and behavioural agility

  • Reflection through appreciative inquiry

Group coaching builds trust, clarity and engagement through a blend of system awareness (the system the group is working in).

Covid 19 Program for peer support (tailored as required) 

The first session focuses on creating boundaries and psychological safety for the group. Rules will be established and agreed between all members with discussion as to what each person would like to achieve. The commitment from the group will be discussed along with general conversation facilitated by coach to build a supportive group dynamic and ensure everyone is involved and on-board. 

An example session of coach coaching for everyone to experience will be offered between coach and tandem coach to demonstrate the process for subsequent sessions. Everyone will be invited to observe, ask questions and reflect. 

Session 0 – Introduction to Group Coaching 

  • The process, structure and the meaning behind doing it

  • Key themes that may be worked around

  • What are we here for

  • Mission – how we get there

  • Contract and co-create, commitment, rules, confidentiality, safety

  • How will we make it work – who goes first

  • Demonstration of coaching 

  • Group invited to share ideas and observations

  • Benefitting from being there, how coach coaching someone else can benefit you

  • Vision of what we want to have achieved by the end

  • Creating Emotional Literacy 

  • Written contract is signed by members

  • Group Reflection Time 20 mins

Session 1 to 4 - Learn from your group cohort as well as your own experiences

Each session, other than the Introductory session, offers an opportunity for 2 members to be coached and share their challenges with the group. Each session consists of the following (time scales can be adapted):

  • 25x mins of 1-to-1 live coaching member no’1

  • 40x mins of group work

  • 25x mins of 1-to-1 live coaching member no’2

  • 40x mins of group work

  • 20x mins of reflection time and discussion whole group

In total, two people per session get coached for 25 mins and put out to group for 40 mins where everyone will have the opportunity to share, advise, question and support. Coach facilities and coaches, and coach tandem witnesses coach as well as gently interjecting when required. Coach and tandem coach support one another to optimise the growth of the group between sessions. 

At each stage the group can review and assess how everyone is feeling and adjust the contract and rules if required / should objective change.  

A sixth session can be offered to conclude the coaching course and for group discussion to close off the course. 

I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things!

 Mother Teresa
